I'm on a boat: Avalon: Mom gets her feet wet: Dad, stroller, beach: Sleeping on Dad: Hiking with bDad in/b the botanical garden: Happy family (Note that Loki is sleeping and being fed while on this hike): Ready for the beach: Avalon again:
We went to church Sunday morning and as the senior minister was out on bvacation/b, Dad was scheduled to preach. It wasn't one of his better or more memorable sermons - it was new, anyway - but I really enjoyed hearing him preach. I always enjoy it, b.../b She referred to bDad, in/b her prayer, as a man with a heart as big as all outdoors; and he is one of the very few people I've ever met for whom I think that description is perfect. She also brought my mom a little scarecrow rag b.../b
Bidaiatzeko eskaintza zabala bada ere, Donostia bidaiarien geltoki izan bdadin/b, toki guztietako turisten arreta bereganatzeko lanean ari da Manu Narvaez. xabier etxabe. Turismoa da hiriak duen ekonomia iturririk oparoenetakoa. b.../b